Journal of An Info Marketing Pirate

If you're looking to find hot niche markets and what these markets are looking for as far as information products then this is the place for you. if your in the info marketing business and are looking for tips, techniques, and strategies for creating info products, finding info product ideas, and just plain old rantings of a crazy man, then this is also the place for you. Enjoy you scurvy dogs!

My Photo
Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

I'm just a guy trying to find my way in the world with the wind at my back and the sun in my face. I enjoy my business and enjoy life in general. I love my family and going to Disneyworld on a yearly basis.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

The perfect info product formula

Find an in demand niche +
Find out there problems + you supply the solution in the form of a info product + a killer sales letter + a way to reach that market = a successful info empire.

This is the formula that you can do over and over again to be a success. Of course, there is a whole lot of behind the scenes stuff to get it right.

Finding a niche can be very easy if you know how. My course at covers just that. This will open up a world of possibilities. This is the cornerstone of your business. You need a market to sell your products to begin with.

The real edge is knowing how to write order producing copy. This is the fuel to the info product engine. Knowing how to do this right will set you miles ahead of your competiton.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Why is everyone obsessed with creating e-books?

I think A lot of info marketers get hypnotized with the lure of the digital delivery product. Let's face it, the hands free approach to your business definitely is alluring and part of that is the e-book. Once the order is placed the product can be instantly delivered by download. There is no work on your part. I think a lot of info marketers miss the boat because they can be delivery physical products as well. Such as DVD's, audio tapes, kits, etc...

I wonder what would happen if you offered an e-book version and a hard copy, do you think your sales would increase? I personally hate e-books and rather have a hard copy myself. Also, doing the fulfillment of a physical product yourself isn't that bad and is well worth the extra effort. If you want someone else to do it check out

The point is don't be lured by the ease of e-books but rather look at the whole picture of your info business as well..Don't forget the physical products.

See ya.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Hey everybody,

Let's get right to the chase and try to avoid some of the information overload when it comes to the ton of newsletters out today. I'm going to give you some of my favorites...

1.Dan Kennedy's newsletter
2.Sell books and videos
3.Bob Serling's direct insider
4.Derek Gehl's marketingtips
5.Ted Nicholas's newsletter
6. Info map Booty Club - that's mine...sorry, I had to plug it :)
7. Joe Vitale's "News you can use"

These are the one's that I read faithfully. Have a great day !

Monday, July 24, 2006

Content vs direct sales sites

I'm going to tell you right now that I'm not a big fan of content sites. It seems to me that it's a lot of work to constantly create articles and optimize your site for the search engines just to get FREE traffic. It can take a couple of month's to get up and going before you start getting ranked and pulling in some decent traffic. What I will say is that if you really have a strong passion about something then by all means do a content site if you feel you have enough knowledge to keep a site like that updated.

Me, on the other hand , I like a one page salesletter that I can drive traffic to through some free and paid avenues. The thing that really gets me is that everyone is so obsessed with free traffic that they overlook paid avenues. If I can place an ad for 100.00 and it makes me 500.00 then I'll keep on using paid advertising all day long. It's a lot quicker and who cares if it costs me money. Use places like Ebay, Google adwords, paid ezine ads, joint ventures, and affiliate programs. You can find out a whole lot faster if your product is going to be a success. Wouldn't it be ashame if you spent months putting together a content site and nobody really cares...

The choice is yours and this is my two cents! See ya maties..

I'm a big fan of testing your ideas on Ebay. This is great because you don't need a website, you have access to millions of buyers, and you can test for a couple of bucks. My philosophy is if you can't sell it on Ebay you can't sell it anywhere. Do yourself a favor and go to Terrance's site and get on his mailing list for his newsletter. The beauty about this is that he actually gives you examples of what people are selling on Ebay as far as information products. People are making thousands just selling info on Ebay each month. You won't believe what people are selling on Ebay as far as info. I love the dvd showing kids how to tie their shoes. Man, why didn't I think of that!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Hello, and welcome to one of the best darn businesses on the planet. In my opinion, this is one of the most creative and enjoyable businesses to get into. Unlike most businesses where you're locked into a particular product , such as a franchise, you have a blank piece of canvas where you can create your own info businesses. The beauty of this business is that if you get bored with one topic, you can either shut it down or sell it to someone else, and start something new. You can never get bored in this business and that's what I like.

Hopefully, you will find this blog informative in helping you create the
ultimate information marketing business. So sit back, grab yourself an
ale matey, and enjoy the ride! because this ship is going to set sail..