Journal of An Info Marketing Pirate

If you're looking to find hot niche markets and what these markets are looking for as far as information products then this is the place for you. if your in the info marketing business and are looking for tips, techniques, and strategies for creating info products, finding info product ideas, and just plain old rantings of a crazy man, then this is also the place for you. Enjoy you scurvy dogs!

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Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

I'm just a guy trying to find my way in the world with the wind at my back and the sun in my face. I enjoy my business and enjoy life in general. I love my family and going to Disneyworld on a yearly basis.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Oh! I forgot to mention that there is actually an info marketing lesson to be learned here with Russ's book. It's subtle but it works and here it is...

T.J. actually took old information with permission from Russ and combined it with his own and made a new product not to mention a plug for free info for bonuses which I'm sure he is selling something while you are there. There actually is an internet element :)

This is an excellent example of taking old information and making it new again without doing any work because T.J's section is actually a book that he wrote early on as well. He just combined the the two and presto a new product to a new crowd.


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