Journal of An Info Marketing Pirate

If you're looking to find hot niche markets and what these markets are looking for as far as information products then this is the place for you. if your in the info marketing business and are looking for tips, techniques, and strategies for creating info products, finding info product ideas, and just plain old rantings of a crazy man, then this is also the place for you. Enjoy you scurvy dogs!

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Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

I'm just a guy trying to find my way in the world with the wind at my back and the sun in my face. I enjoy my business and enjoy life in general. I love my family and going to Disneyworld on a yearly basis.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Base your info products on the seasons…

What do I mean?

It’s summer time least here in the states.
So I fired up Amazon to see what’s selling for the summer.
One thing that came to mind was photography and cameras.
I figure more people are on vacations and are doing
more outdoor activities.

So I looked under cameras (Top seller category). The hot
Camera that is selling right now is The Canon PowerShot
550 7.1mp.

TIP: Notice that this is a physical product and not a
informational product. Look for hot physical products
and turn them into an info products by demonstrating
the physical product. You can do video demo or you can
snap off pictures and write a PDF report with
you doing a pictorial demo for the product.

Obviously you might not own a Powershot 550 but you
get the idea. You might have something in your home
that you can demo.

By the way, there is a guy who sells demo dvds of different
Cameras and is making a fortune on Ebay.

In the next issue, we’ll put the product together….

Bon Voyage,

John Kiel


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