Journal of An Info Marketing Pirate

If you're looking to find hot niche markets and what these markets are looking for as far as information products then this is the place for you. if your in the info marketing business and are looking for tips, techniques, and strategies for creating info products, finding info product ideas, and just plain old rantings of a crazy man, then this is also the place for you. Enjoy you scurvy dogs!

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Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

I'm just a guy trying to find my way in the world with the wind at my back and the sun in my face. I enjoy my business and enjoy life in general. I love my family and going to Disneyworld on a yearly basis.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hey gang,

If you don't know by now, you can't sell ebooks as digital downloads on Ebay. So what are people doing...

Selling there crappy ebooks on a CD and physically mailing them to you. Now not only do you pay for the crap but you have to pay for shipping as well. So what is the info marketing lesson for the day?

If you have to put your ebooks on CD and mail a product to your customer , send them something that is worth it. Before all this went down with Ebay, I was a big fan of physical products anyway but think about this for a moment.

If you went to Ebay and was looking for a book on how to make money with online gambling sites which would you buy...

1. A ebook that sells for .99 cents and 5.00 for shipping and handling for the CD.


2. A three ring binder how -to manual with a DVD of camtasia screen capture videos showing you some secrets to beating the system. This could sell from 27.00 and up.

I'm not saying that the first option doesn't work but what I'am telling you is that the second option is different and stands out from the rest of all those crappy ebooks on CD offers.

Think outside the box!

Have a great day!

In the warrior forum someone asked " Can you make money with a 10.00 report using Googel adwords?"

And here was my response...

"I sold a 10.00 ebook on Disney travel secrets with adwords campaigns but I didn't use your typical adwords that you see in the google search. I setup my campaign to be viewed on certain websites ( and I know there is a name for this but I can't remember it at this moment) which really gives you highly targeted traffic. The campaign gave me a break even outcome which really isn't a bad thing. My only problem was that I didn't have a backend product to sell which could have made this a profitable venture. Have a backend lined up and I'm sure it will work"

Here's a little more info on that...

-I used as Adwords basically as a test to see if there was life and there seemed to be.
- I targeted websites versus the traditional google way. This to me is a big plus. You don't have to haggle with keywords just pick the sites you want to target and pay the cost. This could be a little more costly then the traditional way but the traffic is more targeted if picking the right site.
- I also split test ads as well
- I'm a huge Disney fan so I really wrote this ebook for fun and not to be a huge money maker. Also, because the market is saturated with Disney travel guides my price had to be in line with others which unfortunatley drove the price down around the 10.00 mark. Had I charged 14.97 or higher this would have been a money maker without a backend. A backend would have only sweeten the deal.

Until next time...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Oh! I forgot to mention that there is actually an info marketing lesson to be learned here with Russ's book. It's subtle but it works and here it is...

T.J. actually took old information with permission from Russ and combined it with his own and made a new product not to mention a plug for free info for bonuses which I'm sure he is selling something while you are there. There actually is an internet element :)

This is an excellent example of taking old information and making it new again without doing any work because T.J's section is actually a book that he wrote early on as well. He just combined the the two and presto a new product to a new crowd.

WOW!!!! Have I been away for awhile. I'm really going to start keeping up with this blog thing. I really wasn't a big fan of blogging but I better start keeping up with these other blog fanatics. So to kick it off...

What have I been reading...

I came across a book on Amazon called " How you can make a fortune selling information by mail: a step by step guide to publishing and mail order profits by Russ Von Hoelscher.

Here are my thoughts. The book is actually two books in one . The one by Russ and another by T.J Rohleder. The book was printed in 2007 but Russ's book was created in the 80's. I kind of knew this going in that it was an older book. Don't think you are going to get some kind of internet wisdom in this one because you won't. He talks about typewriters for heaven sakes.

But I have to tell you I'm a big fan of the old methods and that's why I was attracted to this book to begin with.

Was I impressed... Well, of course a lot of the techniques can be done cheaper and faster today but the knowledge is solid. I've read plenty of mail order guides throughout the 90's so to me there really wasn't nothing ground breaking here.

Would I buy it again knowing what I know now. NAH!!! but if you have a few bucks and want to pick up a book for off line mail order this wouldn't be a bad pick. I'll add this to my already dust collected mail order books and be one more book the wiser.