Journal of An Info Marketing Pirate

If you're looking to find hot niche markets and what these markets are looking for as far as information products then this is the place for you. if your in the info marketing business and are looking for tips, techniques, and strategies for creating info products, finding info product ideas, and just plain old rantings of a crazy man, then this is also the place for you. Enjoy you scurvy dogs!

My Photo
Location: Baltimore, Maryland, United States

I'm just a guy trying to find my way in the world with the wind at my back and the sun in my face. I enjoy my business and enjoy life in general. I love my family and going to Disneyworld on a yearly basis.

Monday, May 14, 2007

You can find a lot of niches when you know what search terms to putinto the search engines. For example: I like lists. I like sitesthat tell me about the top ten of what people are searching for. Topten lists give you a pulse of what is hot.

So, the most obvious term to plug into google was "top ten". Justby doing this, I came across a site that was called This site gives you the top ten sites by category and then by subcategories. How the site determines who gets in the top ten Ireally couldn't tell you but you can check out the top ten sitesand see what they are offering and how they are offering their products.

At first glance, this search technique might not be earthshattering to anyone but when you think about it, how many peoplewill put in the search term " top ten" to find niches. Most peopleput in a search term for a niche idea and is if it's viable. Thetop ten search term lets me know what people are searching forwhich allows me to create a product to that market. Remember, youare looking for what is hot...

I have a whole list of different "search terms" that you can pluginto google that can help you find these undiscovered niche marketsin the course at
Your captain,
John Kiel

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Info Pirates,

If you ever needed to get good advice on marketing, this is the guy you need to listen too... some great freebie articles from one of the best! and he's giving away free Dan the man Kennedy tapes away for free...

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